Jason Keels


Q: How do you feel about missing the end of your senior year of high school? 

A: Honestly, I could care less. I’m too focused on my future to be worrying about little things like the end of my senior year.

Q: Are you missing any major sports, clubs, or events?

A: The only sport that I am currently missing is volleyball.

Q: Will the money towards your dues be returned?

A: I don’t know honestly.

Q: What is some advice that you would give to those in lower grades than yourself?

A: High school is a place to learn, have fun, make memories, and mature as an individual. Don’t waste your days getting caught up in drama or fighting over “he said, she said”. Break out of your shell and enter clubs, play sports, volunteer, and familiarize yourself with your high school community. Four years go by faster than you may think.

Q: What are some programs that will help younger students that are interested in going to college?

A: SYOP and College Possible. College Possible helps with SATS, getting your interests in your future, and actually going to college. It provides the opportunity for you to interact with current college students that could give insight on your possible future college. As far as SYOP goes, I don’t know too much about the program because I wasn’t involved in it. However, many people that I know in the program speak highly of it. Constantly communicating with staff and counselors will also help a lot.

Q: What colleges have you applied/gotten accepted to?

A: Clarion University, York University, Cheyney University, Thaddeus Stevens Tech, and Alvernia.

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