LGBTQ+ History Made In Congress

Laphonza Butler | Source: Human Rights Campaign
Laphonza Butler | Source: Human Rights Campaign

History was made in Congress this past week with Laphonza Butler being established into Congress. Butler is the newly appointed U.S. Senator of California and is the first-ever openly Black Lesbian to serve in Congress. This came with hard work and sacrifice on not only her part but with the loss of Dianne Feinstein, a long-time Congress member. It is impossible not to mention Feinstein when discussing the LGBTQ+ community and rights, and her efforts deserve an honorable mention. 

Dianne Feinstein was a member of the Democratic Party and served in Congress for over 30 years, from 1992 to her passing in 2023. She was a lifelong LGBT and Queer Ally who spent her entire life and time in Congress loving, supporting, and being a center of the LGBTQ+ rights movement.

May She Rest In Peace.

The newly inducted Senator Laphona Butler is 44 years old. She was born in Magnolia, Mississippi and her career began as a Labor Organizer for nurses in Baltimore and Milwaukee, the janitors in Pennsylvania, and the hospital workers in New Haven. She is the president of  EMILY’s List, an organization that is a resource for women in politics, and leads the organization’s efforts to elect Democratic pro-choice women across the county, up and down the ballot. Butler is also currently married to her wife, and they share one daughter.

Senator Butler's establishment as Senator and a new Congress member is a pillar for many communities on a social, racial, and economic level. We can only wonder what change she will bring next.


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