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Kensington Philadelphia: A Call for Help Not Clout!

(11/27/23 10:42pm)

Kensington, Philadelphia, has long since been a place of lost souls—a “Zombie Land.” The Lower Northeast Community is overrun by individuals who have fallen into a life of substance abuse. Kensington started as a clean community with minor substances like Marijuana but soon became a common market for heroin and other opioids. Still, it wasn't close to what it is now.

LGBTQ+ History Made In Congress

(10/18/23 4:38pm)

History was made in Congress this past week with Laphonza Butler being established into Congress. Butler is the newly appointed U.S. Senator of California and is the first-ever openly Black Lesbian to serve in Congress. This came with hard work and sacrifice on not only her part but with the loss of Dianne Feinstein, a long-time Congress member. It is impossible not to mention Feinstein when discussing the LGBTQ+ community and rights, and her efforts deserve an honorable mention.